reconnect. rewild. restore
Our Mission
we’re on a mission to help young people reconnect with the magic of the natural world

We believe families who spend more time outdoors connecting with nature are healthier, happier and will help the planet thrive.

But over the past few decades, childhood has moved indoors. On average, today’s kids spend over 6 hours a day in front of a screen, and just over an hour a day outside, threatening the mental and physical health of a generation of young people.

It's called Nature-Deficit Disorder - a term first introduced by Richard Louv in his book, "Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder". Although not a medically-recognised condition, it's widely accepted as a way to describe the human cost (on young people in particular) from a lack of connection with the natural world.

nature- deficit disorder
causes of ndd
impacts of ndd
We want to help young people go wild! To help ignite their interest in the outdoors and build a life-long appreciation of the nurturing benefits of nature for mind and body. Rewilding from the outside-in!
our promise
As well as helping to inspire a love for the natural world, we promise our products will always be:

With a shared belief in ‘going wild for wellbeing’, we've partnered with the Outward Bound Trust. Its mission is to inspire young people to believe in themselves through educational courses and programmes that take participants on a journey of self-discovery.

They leave the familiar behind and head to the wild hills, lakes and lochs on adventures that require leadership, teamwork and resilience.

Read more
our story

British grown botanicals and prebiotic plant fibre play a harmonious role not only in supporting wellbeing but also resonating with our broader mission - to inspire young people to connect with nature, something we're both very passionate about. We want to make it easier for everyone to make healthy lifestyle choices. There is overwhelming evidence that supports the benefits that nature connection has for both people and planet. And frankly, there hasn't been a more crucial time for people to get behind nature. We think of it as "rewilding from the inside-out."