Why is Prebiotic Fibre So Good For You?


Did you know that most of us aren’t getting enough fibre in our diets? Adults and children alike!  

We’re often worried about sugar and artificial sweeteners in our diets, but a lack of fibre can be harmful too. Without the recommended amount of fibre, our digestive health can suffer and our bodies are not as energetic and healthy as they could be. So what is the role of fibre in our body? Why is it so great!


What does fibre do?

Poor old fibre rarely gets the same attention as super supportive vitamin C or brain- friendly zinc, but it has an important part to play in our bodies. Fibres like cellulose (often known as nature’s laxative) help to stop constipation by adding bulk to our number twos! Other fibres can help to lower cholesterol, make us feel fuller for longer and even reduce our risk of diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels.

There’s also a special group of fibres known as ‘prebiotics’, which include a fibre known as inulin. They’re thought to be the most beneficial for our gut microbiome...


What is our gut microbiome?


 It all begins with a big group of tiny microorganisms, several trillion, to be precise! Our digestive system is filled with friendly bacteria, and all together they form our gut microbiome. They lend a hand by fighting bad bacteria and helping us to digest food and prepare nutrients to be transported around our bodies.


Here are 5 amazing gut microbiome facts!

- We have TRILLIONS of good bacteria in our gut that love to feast on prebiotic fibre
- There are more bacterial cells in our gut than human cells in our body
- We don’t actually digest fibre... the friendly bacteria do
- As we grow we develop a more diverse collection of bacteria
- There are hundreds of di"erent types of bacteria in our gut microbiome, eachwith a unique role!
To be at their best, these bacteria need some nourishment too, and that’s where prebiotic fibre comes in!


    Why is prebiotic fibre so good for us?


    We often see lots of yoghurt-filled adverts that claim to be packed with gut-friendly bacteria (these are known as probiotics). But these little guys need something to snack on and that’s where prebiotic fibre comes in!

    Prebiotic fibre can help to increase gut-friendly bacteria already living within our digestive system. They may be minuscule in size but all together they play a vital role in aiding digestion and also keeping germs and bad bacteria in check. And by feeding them, we’re able to improve our digestive health and even make our immune system stronger. If you want to improve your gut microbiome, adding more prebiotic fibre into your diet is a must!


    So how do we get enough prebiotic fibre?

    Prebiotic fibre can be found in some tasty, familiar foods. Examples of prebiotic foods include fruits and vegetables like asparagus, garlic, bananas and berries. Whole grains are also a vital source, so eating a varied diet is usually a great way to keep your gut microbiome happy.


    Varied diet difficulties


    Things can become difficult when certain factors affect our diets. Coeliacs and fussy eaters might be missing out on the benefits of prebiotic fibre. And for busy days, when healthy diets often take a back seat, we need a quick fibre fix to rely on.

     This is where a mystery, botanical hero jumps in to save the day. Our range of Jamu Wild Water's are formulated for kids, and are the first to contain EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) approved prebiotic fibre. A sparkling, pre-packaged, prebiotic fibre drink for kids! They’re an effortless — and wonderfully tasty — way to ensure you get enough of this essential nutrient into your diet.

    Each Jamu Wild Water flavour contains 5g of chicory root inulin (a fantastic prebiotic), which contributes a whopping 25% of RDA* (Recommended Daily Allowance) and other brilliant botanicals. These plant-based
    ingredients benefit not only our digestive health but our entire bodies, with their happy mix of fibre, antioxidants and vitamins. 

    *Based on UK Government Guidelines for ages 5 - 11years

    Read more about the 'Science of Fibre' by the British Nutrition Foundation here 


    British Nutrition Foundation


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